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Sanchez, Adam. "Outlawing the Truth." The Progressive. 9 August 2021.


Sanchez, Adam and Nina Willbach. “Philly leaders lied for decades about school safety. Why should teachers trust them during a pandemic?Philadelphia Inquirer. 1 February 2021.


Sanchez, Adam and Stan Karp. "The 2018 Wave of Teacher Strikes: A Turning Point for Our Schools?" In Michael Charney, Jesse Hagopian, and Bob Peterson. eds. Teachers Unions and Social Justice. Milwaukee, WI: Rethinking Schools, February 2021.


Sanchez, Adam and Stan Karp. "The 2018 Wave of Teacher Strikes: A Turning Point for Our Schools?" In Rebecca Kolins Givan and Amy Schrager Lang. eds. Strike for the Common Good: Fighting for the Future of Public Education. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press, 2020.


Sanchez, Adam. “Philly schools’ initial reopening plans spell disaster.” Philadelphia Inquirer. 24 July 2020.


Sanchez, Adam. “Corporations are 'looting' public dollars, at students’ expense.Philadelphia Public School Notebook. 8 June 2020.

Sanchez, Adam. “School District was right not to rush remote learning amid coronavirus.” Philadelphia Inquirer. 3 Apr. 2020.

Sanchez, Adam. “Rosa Did More Than Sit and Martin Did More Than Dream: Pushing beyond the Master Narrative with High School Students” in Hasan Kwame Jeffries, ed., Understanding and Teaching the Civil Rights Movement. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press, 2019. 

Sanchez, Adam. “Taking the Fight Against White Supremacy into Schools.” in Dyan Watson, Jesse Hagopian and Wayne Au, eds. Teaching for Black Lives. Milwaukee, WI: Rethinking Schools, 2018. 


Sanchez, Adam. "Reconstruction, 150 Years Later." Jacobin, 4 Sept. 2018.

Sanchez, Adam. “The Other ’68: Black Power During Reconstruction.” Zinn Education Project, 14 Aug. 2018. 


Sanchez, Adam. "What the Koch Brothers Want Students To Learn About Slavery." Alternet, 11 Mar. 2018.

Sanchez, Adam. “Abraham Lincoln and Civil War Myths, Explained.Teen Vogue, 3 Nov. 2017. 

Sanchez, Adam. “When Black Lives Mattered: Why Teach Reconstruction.The Nation, 25 Oct. 2017. 

Sanchez, Adam. “What Happened to the Civil Rights Movement After 1965? Don’t Ask Your Textbook.” Zinn Education Project, 14 June 2016. 


 Sanchez, Adam. “Joe Hill.” 101 Real Changemakers: Rebels and Radicals Who Changed US History. Edited by Michele Bollinger. Chicago: Haymarket Books, October 2012.


“Adam Sanchez interviews Bill Bigelow.” Forward. Education and Capitalism: Struggle for Learning and Liberation. Edited by Jeff Bale and Sarah Knopp. Chicago: Haymarket Books, March 2012.


Sanchez, Adam. “For or Against Children?: The Problematic History of Stand for Children.Rethinking Schools, 26, no. 1 (Fal 2011). 


Sanchez, Adam. “Taking on Big Coal’s Curriculum.Common Dreams, 29 June 2011.


Sanchez, Adam. "Why Testing Fails Our Schools." Socialist Worker, 28 Sep., 2010.


Sanchez, Adam. “Disaster Schooling: The Education ‘Shock Doctrine,’International Socialist Review 71, May-June 2010.


Sanchez, Adam. "Race to the top or to the bottom?" Socialist Worker, 2 Nov., 2009.


Sanchez, Adam. “Educational Apartheid in America,” International Socialist Review 67, September-October 2009.


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